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Download Free Watchtower Bound Volumes Pdf Merge

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Under the directives of the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society, the legal and corporate. Being descended from the wretched Eve, I was bound, so I had been taught, to. But Anna cannot conceive of a life in which one is not free to move around, explore. Charles Taze Russell, Studies in the Scriptures, Volume III, Thy. JW Files - Research on Jehovah's Witnesses / Watchtower Bible & Tract Society. Download free watchtower bound volumes pdf merge. Download free watchtower bound volumes pdf merge If you have an account in.

The First Amendment does not allow the government to require permits for door-to-door canvassing.


Before engaging in door-to-door canvassing, people in the Village of Stratton were required by an ordinance to get a permit from the major's office. The ordinance covered people such as political campaigners, religious proselytizers, and commercial salespeople. The permit application required a detailed registration form, although it did not require a fee. The village also allowed its residents to forestall solicitation on their property by filing a form with the major's office. They also could post 'No Solicitation' signs that would prevent even people with permits from soliciting on their property, but not many people actually took those steps. The Watchtower Bible and Tract Society of New York, Inc., which is an organization involved in the door-to-door evangelism of Jehovah's Witnesses, argued that the ordinance violated the First Amendment.



  • John Paul Stevens (Author)
  • Sandra Day O'Connor
  • Anthony M. Kennedy
  • David H. Souter
  • Ruth Bader Ginsburg
  • Stephen G. Breyer

Canvassing door to door is a traditionally accepted method of communication for people who lack financial resources, and it is an integral practice of many religions. The interests asserted by the local government in support of the ordinance were the desire to protect the privacy and safety of residents as well as preventing fraud. While these are important interests, residents can protect their privacy by using the alternative measures offered by the mayor's office. It is unlikely that criminals will be stymied by the permit requirement, since they could pretend to be coming onto the property for other purposes or receive a permit under a false name, since it does not require proof of identity.
To justify the ordinance based on the fraud concern, the village would need to show that it applies only to people seeking commercial gain or financial assistance. It is worded too broadly in its current form to accept that interpretation. The importance of anonymity to exercising the right of free speech is disregarded by an ordinance that requires applicants to reveal their identities before receiving a permit. During the period of the Second World War, similar ordinances were struck down by courts, and the same reasoning still should apply.

Watchtower Bound Volumes Online


  • William Hubbs Rehnquist (Author)

Conditioning door-to-door canvassing on securing a permit that the mayor cannot refuse should be constitutional. It is available to anyone who applies for it, and intermediate scrutiny rather than strict scrutiny should be the appropriate level of review. Citizen safety is an important interest that should be taken more seriously, especially since a recent murder in another town by people posing as door-to-door salesmen shows the potential dangers that can arise from permitting unrestricted canvassing.

ConcurrencePcut plotter.

  • Stephen G. Breyer (Author)
  • David H. Souter
  • Ruth Bader Ginsburg


  • Antonin Scalia (Author)
  • Clarence Thomas

Case Commentary

There was no legitimate reason to impose this type of restriction, since canvassers without a permit had not caused harm to the community. The Court persuasively noted that residential property owners are affected to the same extent whether or not a canvasser has a permit.
The WATCHTOWER links for years 1930 and 1941 are defunct and need redoing as they fail to open. If any one can fix this please do.
All other links, so far seem to work ok as far as I can tell. It would have been most practical to lable these links, as finding items is a real nightmare. NOT GOOD.
Also the Watchtowers in the 1939-50 period were coloured covers not black and white. I know this as im a former WT collector. I like scans to be as orriginal as possible.
The Studies in the Scriptures have MANY, MANY different editions with date and text changes throughout. These copies serve as general reading only, but text changes are notorius throughout older editions of the studies - primarily with date setting. VOL's 2, 3 and 7 were the worst culprits for this.
The text changes can be as subtle, as one word could change the whole context of the paragraph. ( example > A 1913 edition would say > 'BEFORE 1914 the world will end'; whilst the 1915 edition says - 'AFTER 1914 the world will end'. Such changes are MAJOR in their doctrine. God's witness in stone - the great pyramid lengths, have been altered.)
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